The “Two Churches – One Mission” plan has been approved by the members of Mount Moriah and Trinity Lutheran Church of Rochester. No doubt you may now be asking, “What does this mean?” Let’s consider the question for a few moments and discover some answers.
First, the “Two Churches – One Mission” ministry plan means that Mount Moriah will no longer be in “vacancy.” From August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020, pastoral leadership and care will be provided by the staff of Trinity Lutheran Church of Rochester and Interim Mission Pastor Scott Fiege (who had served as the vacancy pastor from January – May of 2019).
This is very good news! The flock at Mount Moriah will have loving shepherds who will consistently strive to learn your names, feed your faith, care for your families, and be “Jesus with skin on” to you. The flock will have guiding shepherds who will provide leadership and vision as it seeks to move forward in “Making Disciples of Christ and Sharing Christ’s love.” The flock will have passionate shepherds who will motivate, energize, and equip you to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
Second, the “Two Churches – One Mission’ ministry plan means that Trinity Lutheran Church of Rochester will be your “big brother” to provide leadership, mentoring, encouragement, and support as you seek new and creative ways to engage the Byron community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What a blessing it will be to have fellow Christians come alongside of you to help you bear your burdens and face the challenges of carrying out ministry in our rapidly changing culture!
Third, the “Two Churches – One Mission” plan will immediately provide new opportunities for the members of Mount Moriah to get involved in Christian education and fellowship. You will be invited to participate in all the events and activities at Trinity in Rochester. In addition, the leaders of both congregations will be developing plans to offer joint ministry opportunities at Mount Moriah! So stay tuned!
While this change will take a while to get used to, we believe that it will be a blessing to Mount Moriah in the long run. Especially since the members will be blessed by consistent and energetic pastoral leadership in the year ahead. And you will know in advance who will be leading worship!
At this time, then, we invite all of Mount Moriah’s members to join together in praying for this partnership, that the Good News of Jesus would spread in Byron and the surrounding communities, and that the members of both Mount Moriah and Trinity would experience an increase of faith, hope, love, and joy from working together as brothers and sisters in Christ.
May God richly bless us as we seek to Make Disciples of Christ and Share His Love!